Ever wonder how does this noise come from your bicycle and make you crack. I have experienced the click sound right when climbing and trouble shooting is still in progress to get rid it off from my routine ride.
The video attached is the most serious sound I ever heard and it happened to one of our friends. Only recently four units of the same brand experiencing this noise, one is case closed when we rule out hub is the problem. He sent his bicycle to local bike shop in Serdang to have his hub serviced. While myself and another two is still looking where the noise come. We have to isolate the noise by replacing parts (borrow it from your friends if you don’t have one) that we think possibly contribute the noise. The first parts will do is BB, then chain and so on, the least we will check is the hub until the noise goes away. During the troubleshooting or finding the noise, you will be surprised the noise is actually can be transferred from its original location to other parts of your bicycle. Wish me luck eliminating the click.