I must remember this date 26th of June 2010 Saturday, all of sudden I got a chest paint while push the trolley in Tesco helping my wife looked for some groceries.
It was about 4.oopm after I had light lunch with my kids at Kenny Rogers and felt a mild paint, numbness on the left shoulder and arm, also sweating. For me, its really sign of heart attack and quickly rushed to nearby clinic.
The doctor referred me to available private hospital in Taiping KPJ and there I was warded for 3 days for heart complication observation.
Blood was taken and ECG done when first handled by the doctor, luckily the result was negative. The sunday morning also continue with ECG and monday afternoon with stress test, result was found negative.
Alhamdulillah, no blood clot detected so far but I have to be worried with the cholesterol level quite high at 7mmloL exceed limit of 5.2. I was discharged on monday afternoon after the stress test.
From now more exercise needed plus some supplement to reduce the level.
Do check your body once in while.