I only subscribed Facebook early 2009, my list of friends had accounted to 800 plus and slowly increasing. Let the numbers remain but prefer have a quality friends as well as contents to be shared. For the past 3 years, I have made a lot of friends, sharing what they like or dislike, knowing the cycling updates surrounding you, knowing your friends political stands, check in your preferred places, got to know useful tips and best of all shared the photos upload. This is another way of social networking where we have no boundaries and certainly can reach anybody in the world in real time. Accidently I have accepted someone I dislike and have to unfriend after a few days, better to be that way. It was also reported that those social networking have made marriage turn into sour and later couples divorced. FB also let your life become public and someone can google your updates in years later.
June this year google introduced google plus(g+), this would be a threat to FB if g+ can do better or someone looking for alternative social networking to get rid off with petty and irritating post on their wall. g+ has similar features like FB such as profile, home, share your thout, upload photos etc with extra features unlike FB where you can group your friends list in circles. Advantage of g+ is can link with existing email and picasa web for photos storage, many more which not yet I explore. Visit at https://plus.google.com/
My intentions for social networking primarily is for cycling activity eventually makes me healthy and secondly improve in-person relationship that you know of from your list. The rest are benefits and bad that up to me to carefully control.