Monday, December 24, 2012
Well done organiser, track was superb for MTB challenge with soggy, mud and slippery single track right from CP1 to CP4. Sufficient signage and marshal at junction; nice crews at checkpoints. Sufficient water and isotonic drinks were made available at water feeding station. BTR still can claim the best event organised so far in East P. Malaysia.
I rode under Heavy 66 cycling club and one of our rider fell when cycling down steep hill approaching CP2. The injured rider was well attended and rescued by the marshal. Later he was admitted at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan and not badly injured.
I was not participating in any jamboree more than 7 months since Jasin in May, cramped at CP2 and felt like chicken loop heading back to finish line. Eventually, managed to finish all checkpoints since have tested CP3/CP4 two days before the event.
we are heavy 66, berat nanang
more than 700 riders took part at BTR this year
posing with crew at CP4
Get well soon kudir
test ride before the event..thanks mat shah
Sunday, November 4, 2012
This inaugural event organized by Malaysian Offshore Contractors Association in short MOCA, held at Tropicana Golf Country Club on Saturday 3, 2012. Mode of play that day was System 36 Stableford, but flight mate draw was something to look into when the 2nd event to be organized again next year.
I was not lucky enough that day and played in pain due to knee injury two weeks before the tournament, only won novelty prize of FOURTEEN wedge 48deg value of RM750 for Nearest To Line (NTL) for distance of 5in.
with flight mate (L-R) Saidi, Ezam and Mukhsin
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The last long distance I rode was in Feb 2011 from Putrajaya – Bagan Lalang - Putrajaya for 120km and again after 18 months I have cycled with other 10 cyclist from Taiping Heritage Cycling Team (HCT) mixed mtb and roadbike assembled at Kompleks Rakan Muda on Sunday morning of 23rd Sept. Target of the ride was to complete 100km before 12pm.
We started approximate 7.15am and reached small town Kubu Gajah logged a distance of 49km. I was left behind when climbing on the long hills from Pondok Tanjung to Kubu Gajah and was drafting back by the leader bro Ayoi to the peloton. Those riders in peloton possibly rode consistently above 35km/h until 1st stop at ‘xtrajoss” restaurant.
Then we rode towards Bagan Serai and took a left turn after 15km heading to Bukit Merah. Here, my speed slightly fall could be a fatigue and energy crash. Regroup back with the peloton at Bukit Merah lake, took photos on the overhead bridge and then continued hard climb at Bukit Merah Laketown resort.
We finished approximate by 12.15pm and distances covered were varies from 93km to 100km over, depends where they have started.
With strong wind and hot after hours in the saddle, riding for long distance very tiring and mentally tortured especially when you are not prepared and some more your bike not lighter. Mine is 14kg plus and never upgrade since bought it in July 2009.
2nd ride with Heritage Cycling Team (HCT)
continue after 1st refill "xtrajoss" at Kubu Gajah
the only peloton led the ride
superb team from Taiping..
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Penulis berkesempatan mencuba rawatan alternatif setelah diperkenalkan oleh geng basikal Berat Nanang (H66) di Kemaman selepas selesai menunaikan solat Terawih.
Rawatan dilakukan di dalam kedai makan Pok Ibrahim atau lebih dikenali sebagai kedai gusti(24jam pasang WWE). Pesakit sejauh dari Singapura datang berubat disini dan pesakit tempatan antaranya melibatkan VVIP.Kedai beliau berhadapan dengan Masjid Sultan Ahmad di tengah bandar Chukai, di seberang jalan menghala ke Kuantan.
Cara rawatan adalah dengan merendamkan kaki pesakit didalam ais ketul dicampur dengan ramuan akar kayu dan minyak pokok petir. Keberkesanan rawatan dapat dirasai bilamana panas dari campuran minyak dan akar kayu meresap naik dalam saluran saraf ke bahagian atas anggota badan. Penulis hanya bertahan meredam kaki selama 3minit sahaja dan ini merupakan kali kedua mendapat dalam masa sebulan. Saudara Shahrum aka Yong yang turut serta mendapatkan rawatan hanya bertahan tidak sampai 1 minit.
Tahap kesihatan urat saraf dan darah didalam badan pesakit menentukan berapa lama pesakit dapat menahan rendaman campuran ais tersebut. Lebih lama uratsaraf bertindakbalas dengan campuran ais maka dikhuatiri pesakit mengalami sedikit masalah kesihatan berkaitan. Pok Ibrahim menjelaskan bahawa ada pesakit beliau sembuh dan boleh menggerakkan kaki atau jari semula setelah selesai rendaman dengan izin Allah SWT dan hanya sedekah daripada pesakit sebagai bayaran setelah selesai sessi rawatan.
Ais ketul sebesen menunggu
Ramuan akar kayu dan air kayu sepetir
..sejuk bohhhh
..curahan air dari gelas membuatkan lebih terasa denyutan urat saraf pada kaki
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Led by bro Zack aka Demak to entertain our fellow riders from Kemaman. This ride is just a warm up ride prior to Jamboree JW for the next day Sunday at Gombak. A total of 6 riders including me came from Kemaman and the other 3 rider were my old buddy riders - Jawa, Zack and Jayen.
Zack is known lately used to do solo ride at FRIM and my intention was to accompany his routine ride with MTB cyclists from Kemaman. The timing just perfect to introduce the trail in FRIM and elsewhere in Klang Valley whenever they have chance outstation to KL. Ride started at 9am with Rover trail, followed with Steroid Hill and a big climb at Helipad.
Our guest riders seen happy with the trail especially the surrounding, trees canopy and even upon seeing “joggers”. PCP would be the next venue for those riders from Kemaman and they are actually would like to be called team H66(Heavy 66) or berat nanang in T’ganu dialect
Left to right: Yong, Jawa, Pok Ding, Bulat, Jayen, me, rudi, zack and pok kechek.
..just four of us available for reunion
bro Zack with pok ding from Heavy66 (berat nanang)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Over 2,000 riders took part for the 2nd year event held in IPD Jasin. Myself and few others drove 400km from Kemaman to have a 42km rideable trail and certainly among the best event organized so far. Sufficient of direction signs, paper trails, water station and even “LIKE” fb sign along the trail.
Traffic control was absolutely awesome from the start line; early riders were separated from barrier until at the end, good idea using their own car as a barrier. No chances of late rider to slot in between riders. Police traffics were available at most entry or exit on the course to control traffic to ensure safety of riders crossing road.
Not to forget Bukit Langsat, a big climb for this jamboree, pushing your MTB is the best idea here before your lung busted and a long descent after getting our 1st CP sticker.
Well done, keep it up good work organizer. A combined event between public and police force proved to be a success.
Some of the familiar faces
This is where I started, quite far behind..
First "MTB"
First water station right before the big climb Bkt Langsat..
Awaiting lucky draw
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Approximate 30minutes drive from Chukai to Air Putih, where we assembled for the ride last Saturday, 31st March.
A total of 13 riders from Kemaman and Dungun took part to feel the rush adrenaline of rolling trails used for logging activities. Total distance was 26km and completed around 12pm.
Its certainly the best trail available around Kemaman and can be used as a training ground for Jamboree. If anyone rode for the first time, for sure asking to repeat for next round since there is a reward waiting at Jeram Gajah.
Welcome to Air Putih at Kemaman District
Regroup, awaiting slow riders (L-R)yongg, pok din, ku dir, rudy
This is normal scene at highest elevation 98mtr
..ready to take off shirts, this is the place we rode for... Jeram Gajah
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
There are many ways to make road safe for cycling in Klang Valley and elsewhere in Malaysia, among others we can have a dedicated bicycle lane on road shoulder or slow lane like what Penangites got, get it gazetted as an only bicycle lane for Saturday, Sunday and even Public Holiday. Only then, cyclists are seen and felt presence on the road by other motorists otherwise we were often being hit by other road users.
The event organiser for jamboree or fun ride can also play a major role here by giving out bumper car sticker or windscreen car sticker “Share the Road” as part of goodies to put it onto our car, so that we get the message across effectively to other road users.
Those two solutions are not exhaustive here and only temporary that possibly can be materialised towards to the safe road for cycling besides plenty of tips on how not to get hit by other vehicles on the road you will find on internet. Some useful tips how to ride safely from bicyclesafe.com as below:
• Avoid busy streets/road
• Light up
• Take the whole lane when appropriate
• Signal our turns
• Re-think music player, e.g. i-pod
• Ride as we were invisible( full explanation available in blog above)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Over 300 MTB riders took part on 10th Mac 2012 at Marang, Terengganu. Myself was one of them and this is my first event offroad for 2012 especially in Terengganu, away from normal event in West Coast Malaysia. MTB event was not the main event on that day, it was held in conjunction with 4 x 4 and motocross event, this is seem to be true when we were told before the flag off the distance supposed to be 30km but end up with 13.3km with 2 CP and lucky draw to be drawn only on the next day. Lack of crew and trail for the XC could be the main reason why the distance is made shorter by the organiser. The organiser had prepared medals for first 300 riders together with number of placing, this probably made riders happy and immediately gone back.
I am looking forward to have this kind of event again next year but with extra distance for MTB.
Mampeh Cycling Team..a Paka based "WhatsApp" club
..with pok Sam,from Kemaman
finished at 100th..is just a number
I am looking forward to have this kind of event again next year but with extra distance for MTB.
Mampeh Cycling Team..a Paka based "WhatsApp" club
..with pok Sam,from Kemaman
finished at 100th..is just a number
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Approximate 300 cyclists took part Yellow Ride aka fun ride in conjunction with LTDL Stage 8 from Pekan to Chukai, Kemaman. 95% were fixies and I have seen only 5 MTB around during the ride. We rode for 15km after flag off at finishing line LTDL, round Chukai town, passing by Hospital, went thru Bukit Mentok and came back to where we started at Padang Astaka. This is the first cycling event in Kemaman I have joined since left former employer in Klang Valley and work here for new employer in early February 2012.
...awaiting flag off
...some more fixies
Hardly see MTB in Chukai and it seem cycling MTB odd things to do here, if multiply the 5 MTB that took part in Yellow Ride with factor of 5, may I conclude that only 25 MTBs are active in Kemaman. Hopefully the number would grow for the sake of their own health and active lifestyle.
meet another MTB, Burn Petrosa and Pok Sam
domestic riders of LTDL
...awaiting flag off
...some more fixies
Hardly see MTB in Chukai and it seem cycling MTB odd things to do here, if multiply the 5 MTB that took part in Yellow Ride with factor of 5, may I conclude that only 25 MTBs are active in Kemaman. Hopefully the number would grow for the sake of their own health and active lifestyle.
meet another MTB, Burn Petrosa and Pok Sam
domestic riders of LTDL
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ever wonder how does this noise come from your bicycle and make you crack. I have experienced the click sound right when climbing and trouble shooting is still in progress to get rid it off from my routine ride.
The video attached is the most serious sound I ever heard and it happened to one of our friends. Only recently four units of the same brand experiencing this noise, one is case closed when we rule out hub is the problem. He sent his bicycle to local bike shop in Serdang to have his hub serviced. While myself and another two is still looking where the noise come. We have to isolate the noise by replacing parts (borrow it from your friends if you don’t have one) that we think possibly contribute the noise. The first parts will do is BB, then chain and so on, the least we will check is the hub until the noise goes away. During the troubleshooting or finding the noise, you will be surprised the noise is actually can be transferred from its original location to other parts of your bicycle. Wish me luck eliminating the click.
The video attached is the most serious sound I ever heard and it happened to one of our friends. Only recently four units of the same brand experiencing this noise, one is case closed when we rule out hub is the problem. He sent his bicycle to local bike shop in Serdang to have his hub serviced. While myself and another two is still looking where the noise come. We have to isolate the noise by replacing parts (borrow it from your friends if you don’t have one) that we think possibly contribute the noise. The first parts will do is BB, then chain and so on, the least we will check is the hub until the noise goes away. During the troubleshooting or finding the noise, you will be surprised the noise is actually can be transferred from its original location to other parts of your bicycle. Wish me luck eliminating the click.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Melalui kenalan Sdr Azwan Afiffin dalam fb, penulis dapat merasai kayuhan Bkt Makationg pada Sabtu, 4hb Feb. Masih terasa macamana perit menolak semasa Kayuhan Warisan Taiping 2009 dahulu di trek yang sama ketika mendaki ke puncak sebelum CP1. Seramai lebih kurang 15 pengayuh menyertai kayuhan kali ini, sepatutnya lebih tetapi pembatalan di saat akhir oleh kenalan MTB yang lain. Majoriti kenalan MTB yang berkayuh adalah staff perkhidmatan Penjara Taiping. Tayar bergolek tepat 830pagi dari tapak parkir Penjara Taiping ke tapak Bkt Makationg.
Selesai kayuhan lebih kurang jam 11am penulis turut menyertai sesi ”carbo loading” di kaki bukit larut dengan hidangan wajib nasi lemak atau ‘roti jantan’ sebelum menghabiskan kayuhan ke destinasi akhir masing-masing. Walaupun baru berjumpa dengan kumpulan MTB Taiping tetapi rasa serasi bersama untuk melakukan aktiviti yang sihat ini.
tak larat kayuh tolak ler yop..penulis pun sama nasib
MTB Taiping..regroup sebelum mendaki ke puncak
..sesi bergambar di puncak
Pemandangan sebahagian bandar Taiping dan Port Weld dari puncak
Selesai kayuhan lebih kurang jam 11am penulis turut menyertai sesi ”carbo loading” di kaki bukit larut dengan hidangan wajib nasi lemak atau ‘roti jantan’ sebelum menghabiskan kayuhan ke destinasi akhir masing-masing. Walaupun baru berjumpa dengan kumpulan MTB Taiping tetapi rasa serasi bersama untuk melakukan aktiviti yang sihat ini.
tak larat kayuh tolak ler yop..penulis pun sama nasib
MTB Taiping..regroup sebelum mendaki ke puncak
..sesi bergambar di puncak
Pemandangan sebahagian bandar Taiping dan Port Weld dari puncak
Thursday, January 26, 2012
What you always wanted to know.....
Ever wonder how cyclist pee on the saddle when placing and time are matters to them when riding in competition, but for MTB we have our own way to answer the Nature when there are plenty of bushes while we ride offroad. Those tips are taken from blog http://gzcycle.com an expatriate cycling club base in Guangzhou.
How to pee while on the saddle
Rule 1: Make sure you're safe from legal repercussions.
Urinating in public may violate indecent exposure, public nuisance, and disorderly conduct laws. In some places, you can become a sex offender for urinating in public. You don't want to have to knock on your neighbors' doors and notify them of your status. It's awkward.
Rule 2: Make sure you're riding on a slight decline.
If you’re going too fast, you don't want to lose control of your bike. If you’re going too slow, you don’t want to have to pedal midstream. You might as well just stop and get off your bike.
Rule 3: Learn the proper technique.
Extend one leg and rotate the opposite hip towards the extended leg. Free your member from the top or bottom of the shorts, and let it flow. Tap as necessary.
Rule 4: Make sure you really need to go.
The first time you try this, understand that Nature doesn't just have to be making a polite house call, ding-dong. Nature needs to be banging on the door with an oak cudgel, shouting and threatening to breaks windows.
Rule 5: Account for shrinkage.
You may not have as much capacity for extension as when you started the ride.
Rule 6: Once you start, don't stop until you're done.
It doesn't matter if you think you see the lights of an approaching car or an oncoming cyclist. Stay committed. Otherwise, you'll finish your ride with a soggy bottom.
And if you're a Woman... I have neither information nor advice for you. I'm sorry.
How to pee while on the saddle
Rule 1: Make sure you're safe from legal repercussions.
Urinating in public may violate indecent exposure, public nuisance, and disorderly conduct laws. In some places, you can become a sex offender for urinating in public. You don't want to have to knock on your neighbors' doors and notify them of your status. It's awkward.
Rule 2: Make sure you're riding on a slight decline.
If you’re going too fast, you don't want to lose control of your bike. If you’re going too slow, you don’t want to have to pedal midstream. You might as well just stop and get off your bike.
Rule 3: Learn the proper technique.
Extend one leg and rotate the opposite hip towards the extended leg. Free your member from the top or bottom of the shorts, and let it flow. Tap as necessary.
Rule 4: Make sure you really need to go.
The first time you try this, understand that Nature doesn't just have to be making a polite house call, ding-dong. Nature needs to be banging on the door with an oak cudgel, shouting and threatening to breaks windows.
Rule 5: Account for shrinkage.
You may not have as much capacity for extension as when you started the ride.
Rule 6: Once you start, don't stop until you're done.
It doesn't matter if you think you see the lights of an approaching car or an oncoming cyclist. Stay committed. Otherwise, you'll finish your ride with a soggy bottom.
And if you're a Woman... I have neither information nor advice for you. I'm sorry.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Departed from Penang International Airport on 13th Jan 2012 and arrived 4 hrs later at Hong Kong International Airport located at Lantau Island. Hong Kong is made up Hong Kong Island itself and another 200 islands and south east mainland China called Kowloon and New Territories bordering with Shenzhen of China. Immediately on arrival with Visa already obtained by tourist guide, we were escorted to cross border to Shenzhen which we believed a heaven for shopping.
On Saturday, started with a visit to jade factory claimed to be a government owned factory and came to surprise all items like bracelets, rings and moon glow in the dark are far expensive than in Malaysia. Photo taking was not allowed at their premise due to security reason and fen shui. Later we were brought to Window of The World where the reproduction of most tourist magnificent attractions in the world like Eiffel Tower, Pisa Tower etc are rebuild at one place.
Our lunch are taking care off by tourist agent in Shenzhen at Muslim Restaurant, local food were the main course and noticed Chinese eating a lot of vegetables.
Aerial view Window of The World
After lunch we continued for another visit at factory outlet producing herbs, again we were about to be conned by those medical practitioner claimed to be professor but unable to speak English. Another person was helping those professors to translate into basic Indonesia language. Some of us were diagnosed by looking at their palms with kidney problem and even decay bone. All of us were attended by them in dedicated room and very well learned from the first factory outlet visit we managed to escape without buying their products.
Most of us were upset when we were in Shenzhen, supposed we could buy cheap items at LuoHu Commercial City (LCC) but you need patience shopping here and the result it’s not always to your favorable price. All retailers here were using high pressure bargain tactics; we need to bargain half of the tag price.
A last day visit at Disneyland Hong Kong on Sunday replaced our bad days in Shenzhen until we arrived at Penang Int. Airport safely on Monday 16th Jan at midnight.
At entrance Hong Kong Disneyland
with Snow White
having lunch at Hong Kong Islamic Centre Canteen
reminder to muslim customer at canteen
On Saturday, started with a visit to jade factory claimed to be a government owned factory and came to surprise all items like bracelets, rings and moon glow in the dark are far expensive than in Malaysia. Photo taking was not allowed at their premise due to security reason and fen shui. Later we were brought to Window of The World where the reproduction of most tourist magnificent attractions in the world like Eiffel Tower, Pisa Tower etc are rebuild at one place.
Our lunch are taking care off by tourist agent in Shenzhen at Muslim Restaurant, local food were the main course and noticed Chinese eating a lot of vegetables.
Aerial view Window of The World
After lunch we continued for another visit at factory outlet producing herbs, again we were about to be conned by those medical practitioner claimed to be professor but unable to speak English. Another person was helping those professors to translate into basic Indonesia language. Some of us were diagnosed by looking at their palms with kidney problem and even decay bone. All of us were attended by them in dedicated room and very well learned from the first factory outlet visit we managed to escape without buying their products.
Most of us were upset when we were in Shenzhen, supposed we could buy cheap items at LuoHu Commercial City (LCC) but you need patience shopping here and the result it’s not always to your favorable price. All retailers here were using high pressure bargain tactics; we need to bargain half of the tag price.
A last day visit at Disneyland Hong Kong on Sunday replaced our bad days in Shenzhen until we arrived at Penang Int. Airport safely on Monday 16th Jan at midnight.
At entrance Hong Kong Disneyland
with Snow White
having lunch at Hong Kong Islamic Centre Canteen
reminder to muslim customer at canteen
Monday, January 9, 2012
Seramai 64 pengayuh tegar muncul di Bandar Sri Mahkota pada hari Ahad 8hb Jan, untuk mencuba Kayuhan Cuaca Kering dianjur oleh SP Ride kelab basikal di Sri Putra Bangi. Semua maklum bahawa Pak Din berupaya menyediakan trek yang terbaik untuk semua peringkat dengan ayat “bukit sikit-sikit saja” di wilayah Bangi dan sekitarnya. Seperti yang dijangkakan, semua berpuas hati dengan trek yang disediakan bahkan pengayuh wanita pun boleh kayuh di bukit-bukit pencawang, denai dan lopak. Beberapa CP disediakan ala-ala mini jamboree dan disediakan marshall sekali sebagai penunjuk arah/sweeper. Kayuhan selesai lebihkurang jam 12.30pm sejauh 38km. Jika ada peluang mendapat jemputan dalam fb cubalah luangkan masa berkayuh bersama Pak Din, pastinya tidak sia-sia.
Menunggu penerangan dari Pak Din
jauh lagi dan banyak bukit pencawang didaki
pengalaman berkayuh di lereng bukit
junjung basikal pun boleh
Sweeper ..terbaik dari SP Ride
Seramai 64 pengayuh tegar muncul di Bandar Sri Mahkota pada hari Ahad 8hb Jan, untuk mencuba Kayuhan Cuaca Kering dianjur oleh SP Ride kelab basikal di Sri Putra Bangi. Semua maklum bahawa Pak Din berupaya menyediakan trek yang terbaik untuk semua peringkat dengan ayat “bukit sikit-sikit saja” di wilayah Bangi dan sekitarnya. Seperti yang dijangkakan, semua berpuas hati dengan trek yang disediakan bahkan pengayuh wanita pun boleh kayuh di bukit-bukit pencawang, denai dan lopak. Beberapa CP disediakan ala-ala mini jamboree dan disediakan marshall sekali sebagai penunjuk arah/sweeper. Kayuhan selesai lebihkurang jam 12.30pm sejauh 38km. Jika ada peluang mendapat jemputan dalam fb cubalah luangkan masa berkayuh bersama Pak Din, pastinya tidak sia-sia.
Menunggu penerangan dari Pak Din
jauh lagi dan banyak bukit pencawang didaki
pengalaman berkayuh di lereng bukit
junjung basikal pun boleh
Sweeper ..terbaik dari SP Ride
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